Stop Child Sexual Abuse PSA
Stop Child Sexual Abuse PSA
Agency: FCB Indonesia
The copy said: "Stop children sexual exploitation!". I think it's a good ad. Fresh, outstanding visual, and striking. But, somehow, i dont think if this ad could change their target's behavior. I think, maybe, the ad is just about to strike, presenting a horrible main visual, and thats all... If i'm one of their target, i would only think, "wow, i should have one like this...". Hahahaha... But i'm just a kid, i could be wrong... So, comments please!
Copy-nya ngomong: "Stop eksploitasi seks pada anak". Menurut gw iklan ini bagus. Fresh, idenya bikin kuda-kudaan bentuk anak itu bikin visualnya outstand. Bagus lah pokoknya. Tapi, gw rasa iklan ini cuma sampe situ aja. Blum bisa ngasih dampak behavior buat targetnya. Gak tau ya, tapi gw rasa, kalo targetnya (yang pasti bukan gw targetnya.. gw cuma korban, hahahaha..) liat iklan ini, iklan ini blum bisa bikin targetnya mikir, "Iya, ya... harusnya gw gak gitu lagi...". Jangan-jangan mereka nanti malah pengen punya kuda-kudaan kaya gitu, lagi... hahahahaha..... Tapi mungkin gw salah. Jadi, gw tunggu komentarnya...
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